From “In review 0%” to “In translation” or “Translated 100%”

Here is a problem reported by David Perry and solved by Jerzy Czopik.

1. When does Studio decide to go from “100% translated” to “In review 0%”? Some files do this automatically when I reach the magic 100% mark, others don’t. 

2. How can I go back to “In translation”? My package has  two files that refuse to go back to the “In translation” status, even though I can make changes in them. I have tried editing segments and changing the segment status globally, but the status does not change from “In review”.

Solution: Run the batch task “Translation count”. The status of the file will then be the result of the status of all segments. When all are “translated”, the file will be “Translated 100%”. When one or more are “draft” or “not translated”, the file will be “In translation”.

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4 Responses to “From “In review 0%” to “In translation” or “Translated 100%””

  1. Thanks,
    Had the same issue and customer wanted it changed.
    Worked like a charm

  2. Dear Mats,

    you made my day. At the end of a looooong translation, I had this 100.01% issue. I googled for help in a blind panic and found your magic solution.
    Thanks a lot,

    Enza Esposito Degli Agli

  3. Philippe says:

    Thanks too, with this page it took me less than 30 seconds to solve my problem.

    And your manual is a great support as well.

    Philippe Noth, Montreux, Swirterland

  4. sf says:

    same thing, but had some locked segments in my file. It worked after I unlocked these only 😉

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